Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Are you prepared?

You might think that living in Singapore is reasonably comfortable, with the basic needs available within your reach: cheap food, cheap electricity, clean water.

Think again. If you did not already know, there is now a growing awareness of a Crisis (with a capital 'C') that started with renowned individual in the United States (include geologists, a Presidential Advisor, and even one Vice President). This is known as the Peak Oil Crisis.

Find out more about how this will impact your life in Singapore at SingaporePeakOil.

I have also started my own little peak oil related blog at We are not prepared....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not but I am fully aware of the consequences of ignoring the creeping energy crisis. I still remember the time when I was in Secondary School, I read that the world's oil supply will run out in 50 years time. Even with advanced drilling techniques, this looks like an awfully short span of time to live!

I have toyed with Solar Power (had a solar powered lamp to light up my balcony in my old house) and honestly speaking, you'll need a solar panel the size of US to generate enough power to satisfy our needs. The only other likely sources are Space Solar (i.e. putting a massive panel to collect sun's rays) and nuclear fussion.

Unfortunately energy R&D projects are few and strangely there is more interest in producing hybrid cars then solving the energy crisis itself.

I am currently working on an Energy Utility Project and there is also no hurry to innovate because you can simply pass the cost onto the consumers.

Bottomline: Let's band together and bring on some awareness of this energy crisis! Should we still drive to Malaysis then?? :)